Together we can change lives!

Monday, September 9, 20139:05 PM(View: 14185)
Together we can change lives!
Do you remember our volunteering campaign that we launched back in July? We've had a great response, with 68 parents signing up to volunteer with us for just one hour every year. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far, we look forward to working with you at our future events.

"Scouting provides me with loads of great opportunities and without the support from parents, we can't take part in as many adventurous activities because our leaders are too busy fundraising, maintaining the building or watering the allotment." - said Isobel, 14, Explorer Scout. "Helping out for just one hour a year; in the kitchen on fundraising events, cutting the grass at the centre or teaching young people a skill, really does make a huge difference." added Emelia, 13, Scout. Ayesha, 16, Explorer Scout said; "One of the parents, a professional photographer, came in to help the Explorers learn all about photography.

I was doing Photography as my skill for my Duke of Edinburgh's award and it was great to learn from them and improve my skills while having fun taking photos of the other Explorers."

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Sunday, June 16, 20139:05 PM(View: 16966)
On Sunday 28 April the Group held an environment partnership event. Beavers, cubs, scouts and explorer scouts joined together for two hours to participate in the event. Activities included: litter picking around the village and the ginnels, weeding on the allotment, cleaning up some bird feeders to sell on Golcar Lily Day, planting seeds and a fruit and vegetable quiz.
(View: 13971)Wednesday, May 6, 2015
The Group joined Golcar British Legion for it’s annual remembrance day parade in the village. A brief service was held at the war memorial in Jubilee Square and then we paraded down to the British Legion on Scar Lane. The scout section had made a wreath display with poppies labelled with the names of all those from the parish of Golcar that have died in war. The memorial was on display in the entrance to the British Legion.
(View: 12668)Tuesday, February 10, 2015
We decided to give it one more go – this year’s event had no specific theme and we did get more entries than last year – over 20 in total. The standard of entries was very high – there were some excellent scarecrows on the trail. 42 families took part in the trail, which started at Golcar Scout and Community Centre. The scout group had made a parade of scarecrows – with beavers, cubs, scouts, explorers, leaders..
(View: 18394)Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Golcar Lily Day is a big event for the community with lots of local groups working together to make the day work. Early morning activities included – decorating the trees in the church yard with knitting, putting up the beer tent, setting up stalls and sorting out the venues ready for the days events. Activities at Golcar Scout and Community Centre included – archery, crossbows, clay pottery, decorating poppies...
(View: 17313)Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Our first group event of 2014 was our environment event, which was held in Golcar on Sunday 13 April. Activities included litter picking around the village, clearing the ginnels, weeding on the allotment, planting seeds and planting the new flower beds around the Centre. Members of all sections turned up to help – along with parents and grandparents too.
(View: 14185)Monday, September 9, 2013
Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far, we look forward to working with you at our future events. "Scouting provides me with loads of great opportunities and without the support from parents, we can't take part in as many adventurous activities because our leaders are too busy fundraising, maintaining the building or watering the allotment." - said Isobel, 14, Explorer Scout.